About Rebekka
Hi, everyone! I’m Rebekka (they/she), an actor, director, writer, creator, and arts educator living in Hamilton, Ontario.
Theatre has been the great love of my life for as long as I can remember. I studied Dramatic Arts at Brock University and completed my Masters in Philosophy in Theatre and Performance at Trinity College Dublin. My research focused on embodiments of violence in the works of contemporary Irish and Canadian female playwrights. I continually gather inspiration from feminist discourse, devised theatre, Irish theatre, site-specific theatre, gothic literature, and queer performance.
I have been teaching high school Dramatic Arts for over seven years as an Ontario Certified Teacher. Inclusivity, representation, and creating safe spaces are the heartbeats of my teaching practice. I have been working on a website called “The Queer Curriculum” which shares performing arts content by queer artists for teachers and students studying the arts. I believe students can do their best work when they are truly heard and supported, as they are.
When I’m not making, teaching, or talking about art, I am walking barefoot in my garden, reading books (my current recommendations are “Hard Child” by Natalie Shapero, “When All is Said” by Anne Griffin and “Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times” by Katherine May), meditating, being a stereotypical Capricorn, and spending time with my squishy-faced rescue cats Sookie and Oscar and my tiny terrier rescue pup Jameson.
I am delighted you stopped by! I look forward to connecting with you!
Photo: Natalie Plouffe Photography
In my happy place! Wandering a magical forest in Ireland with my new alpaca friend!